Poster with pictures, titles, and organisations of panel speakers
Poster with pictures, titles, and organisations of panel speakers

Date: August 24th 2021, 19:30 IST

Location: Online

Description: The South Asia Women in Energy (SAWIE) held a high-level dialogue on the “Role of Women Leadership in Advancing the Global Clean Energy Transition” at the GTG National Conference on August 24th.

GWNET Senior Advisor, Irene Giner-Reichl, had the opportunity to advocate for women’s inclusion in the energy sector and why it is critical for the energy transition to tackle gender imbalance.

Moreover, the event spotlighted women’s leadership and how women-led, institutions, and organisations can advance the renewable energy transition for a clean energy future. Furthermore, the panel deliberated and created a space for dialogue on enabling the global environment to accelerate women’s leadership in the renewable energy transition and in the clean energy sector.

Speakers for the session included:

  • Moderator: Dr. Shalini Serin, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Elektromobilitat and Co-Chairperson, SAWIE
  • Irene Giner-Reichl, Senior Advisor, GWNET
  • Rabia Ferroukhi, Director, Knowledge, Policy and Finance Center, IRENA
  • Sharmila Barathan, Government Affairs & Policy Leader. GE South Asia
  • Nicole Thomas, Program Manager, India, International Energy Agency (IEA)
  • Alejandra Castillo, Regional Director- South Asia, US Grains Council
  • Shanti Karanjit, Chief Technical Advisor, UNDP

Watch the session recording.


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