To advance the role of women as agents of change, the Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET) in partnership with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), is launching a mentoring programme across select countries under the German bilateral energy partnerships.

The newly launched mentoring programme “Energising Women to Advance the Energy Transition” aims to advance the careers of mid-career women working in the energy transition, and will build upon last year’s regional mentoring programmes for the Latin America and Middle East and North Africa regions.

In particular, the programme aims to:

  • Empower women in the energy sector in order to increase women’s representation at managerial and decision-making levels, and ultimately advance the pace of the energy transition,
  • Foster social change, facilitate novel ideas and encourage networking, and
  • Support participants to develop concrete career goals which they can strategically work towards.

The programme, which is now accepting applications, is also looking for senior professionals working in the energy sector to serve as mentors and support the personal and professional development of participants.

The application criteria for participants are as follows:

  • Must be a national from one of the following countries:
    • LAC: Brazil, Chile, Mexico
    • MENA: Algeria, Jordan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia
    • Ethiopia and South Africa
    • India
    • China
  • Must be a woman working in the renewable energy or energy efficiency field
  • Must work in a middle management position (5 – 10 years of relevant work experience)


Furthermore, the mentoring programme is designed around the following key programme parameters:

  • Selection of 8-10 mentees per country
  • 12-month programme duration
  • Comprehensive knowledge-transfer components through an exclusive online course
  • Networking and peer-to-peer exchange


If you fulfil all the application criteria and are interested in applying as a participant, please fill in this application form. If you are interested in volunteering as a mentor (which involves approx. 1 – 1.5 hours of engagement per month), kindly fill-in the Mentor Datasheet. The mentee-mentor pairing process will be based on how closely the goals of the mentee match the skills and experience of the mentor.

Kindly note that the programme will be carried out in English and professional working proficiency is required.

The deadline for applications has ben extended to Sunday 4th April 2021

Please email questions to

  1. Hijab Fatima 4 years ago

    Why Pakistanis are not included in this program?

    • Author
      GWNET Secretariat 4 years ago

      Dear Hijab,

      This programme is specifically focused on specific countries under the German bilateral energy partnerships. However, we are regularly launching new programmes which are open to other countries, including Pakistan. You can keep up to date by subscribing to our newsletter.

      GWNET Team

  2. Nedal Ebnouf 4 years ago


    I would like to know if there are any plans in the future that I may join , I am from Sudan.

    Thank you in advance.

    • Author
      GWNET Secretariat 4 years ago

      Dear Nedal,

      This programme is not open to nationals from Sudan. However, we are regularly launching new programmes which are open to other countries, including Sudan. You can keep up to date by subscribing to our newsletter.

      GWNET Team

  3. Joy Bolu 4 years ago

    I would like to find out if GWNET has any mentoring programme in Nigeria presently.

    • Author
      GWNET Secretariat 4 years ago

      Dear Joy,

      We have participants from Nigeria in several of our current programmes, including the Energy Storage and Clean Cooking Mentorship Programmes. We are also regularly launching new programmes which are open to participants from Nigeria. You can keep up to date by subscribing to our newsletter.

      GWNET Team

  4. Namasoga Asia Kakaire 4 years ago

    Hello GWNET Team
    Please what about Uganda because I would like to join too.


    • Author
      GWNET Secretariat 4 years ago

      Dear Namasoga,

      This programme is specifically focused on specific countries under the German bilateral energy partnerships. However, we are regularly launching new programmes which are open to other countries, including Uganda. You can keep up to date by subscribing to our newsletter.

      GWNET Team

  5. Vuyolwethu Matiwane 4 years ago

    Submitted my application, looking forward to learning, networking and everything the program has to offer!

  6. Sana 4 years ago

    Hello everyone, I’m very sad because my application can not be accomplished. All the fields are completed correctly but I can’t upload my CV. How can I solve this problem before deadline.
    I’m very unhappy about this.

  7. Sidra farooqi 4 years ago

    I want to raise my concern about the program in global women. the name represents Global and advancement
    As a female from 3rd world country I am really interested to be part of this program but my concern is why Pakistani women are not included in this program?
    We as a 3rd world country needs such plate forms to grow.
    We are more in need to join and be part of such program globally

    • Author
      GWNET Secretariat 4 years ago

      Dear Sidra,

      This programme is specifically focused on specific countries under the German bilateral energy partnerships. However, we are regularly launching new programmes which are open to other countries, including Pakistan. You can keep up to date by subscribing to our newsletter.

      GWNET Team

  8. Houda walha 4 years ago

    Dear GWNET Team,

    I am Houda WALHA from Tunisia, I have submitted my application on the 28th of March, I would appreciate your feedback regarding the status of the program.

    Best regards,

    • Author
      GWNET Secretariat 3 years ago

      Dear Houda,

      Thank you for taking the time to apply for the mentorship programme.

      We are currently assessing applications and will be in touch within the next few weeks once we have made our final determination. Take care and speak soon.

      GWNET Team

  9. Mariana Barreto 4 years ago


    I wanna know when the selection women will be announced.
    Will The announcement be done by e-mail or just at website?
    Every women that apply the CV will recive a answer os just the select ones?

    • Author
      GWNET Secretariat 3 years ago

      Dear Maria,

      Thank you for taking the time to apply for the mentorship programme.

      We are currently assessing applications and will be in touch within the next few weeks once we have made our final determination. All applicants will receive an email from us. Take care and speak soon.

      GWNET Team

      • Mariana Barreto 3 years ago

        Good afternoon,

        I wanna know if the selections women are divided, and if you will send a e-mail to everyone or just for the selection ones!


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