We are excited to share that the Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET) has grown to include 3 new partners, each of whom is committed to pushing for a gender-equitable energy transition

Last month, we welcomed on board FEDARENE, Green Growth Knowledge Partnership, and Shortlist.

Learn more about their work below:

FEDARENE (European Federation of Agencies and Regions for Energy and the Environment)

FEDARENE is the premier European network of agencies and regions at regional and local levels. They have over 80 members across 23 countries in the European Union and bring together regional and local energy agencies, ministries and departments who implement, coordinate and facilitate sustainable energy and environment policies.

Read more about FEDARENE and their 2020 Roger Leron Award Campaign.

Green Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP)

The GGKP is a global network of experts and organizations dedicated to providing the policy, business, and finance communities with knowledge, guidance, data, and tools to transition to an inclusive green economy. 

The GGKP’s three knowledge platforms – the Green Growth Knowledge Platform, the Green Industry Platform, and the Green Finance Platform – offer quick and easy access to the latest research, case studies, toolkits, learning products, principles, and protocols to empower policy makers and advisors, small and medium-sized enterprises, and banks, insurance, and investment firms to make evidence-based decisions about how to green their operations. 

The platforms offer everything from global-scale assessments to highly specialised guidance notes. Users can browse by sectors, 193 country pages, regions, or cross-cutting themes, such as gender, jobs, climate change, circular economy, and natural capital.


Shortlist is a recruitment organisation working across different sectors around the globe. They run the Off-Grid Talent Initiative programme in partnership with DFID and the Carbon Trust, funded with UK aid from the UK government. This programme aims to support the talent needs of off-grid energy enterprises across Africa, whilst empowering local talent to pursue careers in the energy access sector.

Read more about Shortlist and the Off-Grid Talent Initiative

We look forward to a fruitful collaboration with these 3 organisations. Stay tuned for updates on our partnerships.

  1. RemoteEnergy 5 years ago

    I’d love to learn more about how GWNET goes about formalizing their partnerships–who to speak to, and what the process is to become a partner? Thank you!

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