Headshot photos of mentees, with organiser logos and congratulations message

Energy storage systems play a significant role in cleaner and more resilient power systems – they support grid integration of variable renewable energy sources, namely wind and solar PV – and are particularly suitable for the power system needs of developing countries.  

The use of energy storage could substantially reduce the production of greenhouse gas by enabling the significant adoption of renewable power generation, lowering the cost of connecting these resources to the grid and of managing the variability of generation. 

The novelty of energy storage means that it provides fertile opportunity for energy professionals looking to advance in a new sector, and particularly, for women and other excluded groups who are less present in the traditional energy sector.  

With this in mind, GWNET and the Secretariat of the Energy Storage Partnership, hosted by ESMAP, launched the Women in Energy Storage Mentoring Program in September 2020, with 25 mentees from 15+ countries. 

The goal was to accelerate the careers of women in junior/middle management positions in the energy storage field, support their pathway to leadership positions and foster a global network of mentorship, knowledge-sharing and empowerment. 

The program was supported by a group of strong mentors – each of whom is a senior professional committed to making a difference and having a positive impact on a younger woman’s career in the energy sector. 

Headshot photos of mentors, with organiser logos and thank you message

Key components of the program included:  

  • Bilateral interaction for 12 months between mentees and mentors  
  • 3 knowledge-transfer webinars 
  • 10 energy storage academy sessions 
  • 2 mentee networking sessions   
  • 1 concluding webinar   
  • An online storytelling series: meet the women in energy storage 


Despite the challenging year, we are amazed at the progress made by participants as well as the personal and professional development experienced by the group. We wish each participant and mentor continued success with their endeavors. 

As a solution provider within the energy industry, committed to improving the lives of people in off-grid and weak-grid communities in Africa and across the rest of the world by bridging the energy access gap with mini-grids; the mentorship program gave me the platform to develop value-added skills and learn more about Energy Storage through access to knowledge -transfer webinars and networking sessions. 

Ukeme Okon Asuquo, Mentee 

I am impressed by the dedication and passion that was put into this program; designed purely to help women in energy storage and to encourage social change. The individuals that put these programs together showed a progressive drive for change and betterment that I think women in the energy sector can learn from. So, whether now or in twenty years’ time, I do hope every mentor and administrator involved in the program looks back fondly on the positive impact they’ve had on others as the true measure of their value. 

Kulaea Taueveeve Pauu, Mentee 

It’s a lovely platform, something which I as a young engineer wanted at the start of my career, to have someone from the industry guide you in early days is always a blessing. This platform is providing exactly that and it’s so fulfilling an experience to be a part of to give back to the society at large. I truly believe more professionals should be part of such initiatives. 

Debmalya Sen, Mentor 

The mentorship experience was a great one. My mentor is very knowledgeable about the energy sector from a global perspective and I was opportune to benefit from his wealth of knowledge. I was able to learn a lot about energy storage during the knowledge transfer sessions and also from other mentors and mentees. The connections built during this journey would be impactful ones. 

Simisola Sobowale, Mentee 

The mentoring program has opened different opportunities for me to excel in my workplace. Through this program, I have expanded my knowledge on energy storage systems through the well-equipped and knowledgeable resource persons and mentors. Most importantly, it has introduced me to a lot of empowered women in the energy storage industry. 

Gelly Ann K. Zamora, Mentee 

I am glad to have been a part of this mentorship program for women in the field of energy storage. I was amazed to get in touch with brilliant women participants from across the globe. I feel like the webinars conducted by the hosts showed us common problems that women come across in this energy-based workplace and gave me the confidence to face my problems and have the courage to pursue a better career in this renewable energy sector. 

Abhilasha Bhuju, Mentee 

What’s Next?  

If you would like to stay informed about upcoming mentoring programs, kindly subscribe to our quarterly global newsletter or follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.   

If you want to take part as a mentor in one of our future mentoring programs, (which involves approx. 1 – 1.5 hours of engagement per month plus optional participation in knowledge-transfer webinars), kindly fill in our Mentor Datasheet. 

1 Comment
  1. Melvina 3 years ago

    Good evening, I applied for the program yesterday but mistaking I sent out the wrong link that was supposed to contain my Cv. Am requiring if there is a way in which I can send the correct one. Here is the correct link https://www.dropbox.com/t/WNoGb2pUM8AdMQOo of my CV.

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